• Solutions you need

    Improve herd productivity through genetic testing. Our experts would love to discuss the details of your project with you.

  • Essential technologies

    We offer access to genetic selection tools and support you with our solutions in every stage of your process.

  • Easy access to results

    Receive your genomic results and results analysis conveniently on an easy to use App.


Better breeding and animal health through genomic testing

Select animals early
Genomic selection allows breeders to:

  • Identify genetically superior animals at a very young age.
  • Adjust their breeding strategy on a more informed level.

Sell underperforming animals
Genotyped animals can receive accurate predicted transmitting abilities (PTAs) before they reach sexual maturity.

get your results fast

Easy process – strong results

  • Buy genomic test
  • Take ear notch with TSU and send it to our lab in Denmark
  • Log in at website
  • Fill in the Sample Submission File.
  • We extract DNA from the ear tissue, process and analyse it on our industry-leading array patforms.
  • Log in at website to get genomic results and analysis.
  • Receive genomic results and analysis in your web app.

Convenient retrieving of results

Easy to use App

The results include:

  • 50 performance traits
  • Pedigree confirmation and correction if necessary
  • Overview of recessives (affects the expression of a characteristic) & haplotypes (variants that tend to be inherited together)

Access the online platform with all analytics

Approved by your press

Eurofins Genomics is a trusted brand around the globe

We cooperate with renowned organisations, ranging from small to large-scale enterprises to provide ‘best-in-class’ genomic services to both established and new and emerging Agrigenomics markets. Scientists around the world recognise and trust
the Eurofins brand for our reputation for quality, timeliness and efficiency. We host only industry-leading platforms for DNA extraction, genotyping, sequencing and related genomics applications.

Accredited by the ICAR as DNA data interpreter

Breedi is a genomic selection service provider

Breedi provides genomic selection solutions for livestock producers, including: reference database development, breeding value estimation, breeding index calculation, herd genetic progress analytics, and animal mating effect predictions. All these data and processes are consolidated in a user-friendly web application that simplifies the on-farm implementation of genomic breeding methods. Having operated in emerging markets, Breedi has gained extensive experience in constructing genomic evaluation systems within specific regions and collaborating with associations to enhance local breed production efficiency. This not only sustains genetic diversity but also allows producers to maintain their traditional farming practices.

SPECIAl deal for new customers

Get access to genetic selection tools

Get more for your money
Our industry-leading array platforms maximise output for your money value.

Get your results faster
Our fully automated workflows minimise the time until you get your results and reduce labour costs.

Terms and Conditions


Samples will be processed in the order they are received.

Samples provided in the same shipment may not be reported at the same time.

Due to a restricted setup in lab (96 sample per array) and a weekly data cycle at CDCB, the turnaround time can vary from 3 to 12 weeks. Eurofins strives to process the samples fastest possible.

Sample material leftover and unused DNA will be stored for 3 months after which it will be destroyed.

The lab services will be executed by Eurofins Genomics Europe Agrigenomics Products & Services A/S, Smedeskovvej 38, DK-8464 Galten, Denmark.

Sample Requirements

No other sample type than Allflex TSU or EGL will be accepted.

Samples must align with the specifications of a correctly closed sample, e.g. do not submit misshaped or not fully closed samples. Do not use tape on the tubes.

Samples must have a scannable barcoded and the ID must be submitted under the order in the web shop. Any sample that is not submitted under the order in the web shop will not be processed.

The cost related to collection, packaging, transportation and delivery of the samples to Eurofins Genomics Europe Agrigenomics Products & Services A/S (including but limited to taxes, duties, customs) must be covered by the customer.

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